Amphipolis with its monuments and secrets in a digital 3D video projection

Amphipolis now exists in digital visualization as well. According to the president of A’ base School of amphipolis, Baharis Baharopoulos, this effort starts now and students have already expressed great interest. As stressed by the Vice President of Culture, Dimos Vitsios, this pilot effort is expected to highlight all the ancient monuments of the region, with the next goal the presentation of the Kasta tomb as well, as soon as it becomes visitable.

Amphipolis was visited on Thursday 09 June by the classes E’ and F’ of all Primary Schools of the homonymous Municipality, where after visiting the archaeological Museum and the early Christian Acropolis, they were presented for the first time with the excellent digital video projection 3D that has been created to be projected in a special room in the “Interpretation Center of the Municipality of Amphipolis”.

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Egnatia Highway: Easier access for travellers to the beaches of Kavala

From 27 May, Egnatia Highway will facilitate the road transport of travellers to the beaches of the western coast of Kavala and beyond.

Specifically, in view of the summer season, the branch of the Egnatia Highway from the city of Kavala to the on-grade junction of Agios Andreas, which serves the traffic -among others- to Nea Peramos and Nea Irakleitsa, is returned to traffic.

For the time being, however, the toll plaza at the uphill junction will not operate and the passage of vehicles will be free of charge until further notice, while its canopy will be installed within three days of the road being opened to traffic.

Subsequently, by 3 June, the branch of the Egnatia road from Agios Andreas to Thessaloniki, where there is no MAP, is expected to be opened to cars. The timetable of the works was discussed during a recent meeting of the responsible deputy regional governor, Alexios Politis, with the Director of Operations and Maintenance of “Egnatia Highway S.A.”, Konstantinos Pardalis and the head of the company’s Projects and Maintenance Department, George Taliotis, at the offices of the Regional Unit of Kavala.
